Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fire... Big Fire

Some photos of a horrible fire that I shot on Friday. The fire destroyed two adjoining factories and caused an entire residential block to be evacuated as a precaution.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Midnight Dance on the Field

I shot a dance that took place on LaFollete Field last night. It was fun working with the lights and longer exposures to see what I could come with. Here are two images that I came up with.

Friday, August 03, 2007

An Update

It's been a while since I've updated, so here are some shots from the past month.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Getting close to the action

Often times a photojournalist is lucky enough to shoot an event where he can get right up next to the action. Such was the case today (as you can so obviously tell from the gunk on my lens). I had a good time photographing the kids of Just Us Kids Outdoors as the slid down a hill at Glen Miller Park with the assistance of one of the Richmond Fire Department's fire truck and water hose.

And of course, last, but certainly not least, the frame that I thought was going to kill my camera. Fortunately, my camera is a durable beast and survived the blast. Now it just needs a little (lot) of cleaning.

The Annual Fair

Here are two of my favorite photos from the county fair. I would have liked to stay longer to a few better shots, but I had two other assignments to scurry off to.


I shot the surprise retirement party for Ed Eby, the music director of First English Lutheran Church. I tried something new for this photo. I typically try to shoot away from widows that are going to blow part of the photo completely out, but after being influenced by a few photographers on the internet, I decided to see if I could work that overexposure to my advantage. I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Digging up Relics

Found this photo as I was cleaning my hard-drive this afternoon. It's one of my favorites from the 4H fair that I shot last year.

Monday, June 04, 2007

"The Wheat Field"

While shooting another story and assignment today, I saw some tall grass and it piqued my interest. This photo has obviously seen a great deal of photoshop to give it an interesting look. This kind of editing is too much for anything that will be printed for editorial use, but in this context, it is fine.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Eaton High School Commencement

Went to the graduation ceremony for the 2007 graduating class of Eaton High School.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


As a journalist trying to capture people naturally in their environments, it's always annoying when people see me and act differently or look at the camera. It part of the job, and I'm used to it, but it's not something that I like. However, there is an exception for just about everything. Today was one of those days.

I was shooting a charity golf outing and came across this group of four guys and shot some photos. When I was editing them down, I found this photo and it immediately brought a smile to my face. I'm not even sure why. I only wish the guy on the right was doing something, but the photo looks awkward with him and the cart cropped out.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

I also shot a Cinco de Mayo celebration today at the Wayne County Historical Museum. This is probably one of my favorite feature/portrait photos that I've shot in quite some time.

Earlham Graduation

My brother graduated from Earlham College today (congrats) with a degree in Japanese Studies and I shot the graduation ceremony. Here are some photos. My brother is, obviously, the first one pictured.