Sunday, December 03, 2006

A long overdue update

It's been a while, but here are some of the stories I've shot over the last month.

First off here two photos I shot for a Veteran's Day story for the Pal-Item.

Next are two photos I shot of a car race at local church -- also for the Pal-Item.

Here are two photos from an Earlham football game that were also shot for the Pal-Item.

Now back to stuff that I've shot for the school. Here's a photo that I shot at the Democratic HQ when the Democratics swept the election in Deleware County. I took about 400 photos, but this was my favorite. It's of State Representative elect Dennis Tyler getting hugged by his wife and daughter. It didn't run in the paper, but I liked it.

Next are a couple of photos from a really interesting interactive art exhibit that was at the Ball State Art Museum.

Up next are two images from a story the paper did on a loacl belly dancing school. This was a lot fun too.

Last but not least are a few photos from a girls basketball game I shot yesterday at Butler University. My favorite one is of the coach just pointing at the ref after making what she thought was bad call.

Hope you have enjoyed! Now listening: My own mix of Christmas soundtrack music.

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