Saturday, September 30, 2006

Everything and the Kitchen Sink

Well, it's been a while since I've updated, so here's just some of what I shot this past week. It's quite a variety. War protesting clowns, a play, swimming, you name it and I probably shot it last week.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh, How I've Missed Soccer

Soccer is by far my favorite sport to watch, which explains why it's also my favorite to shoot. I was finally able to make it to a game yesterday. I didn't get anything spectacular, unforturnately, but I did OK. Here are three shots.

Currently listening to "Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back" by John Williams.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ahoy' there matey

So I saw the parrot guy again today and had my camera! Actually, he told me it's not a parrot but a Blue and Gold McCaw named Polly.

Currently listening to James Horner's score to "Mighty Joe Young".

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Power of Sunlight

So I also shot some photos of architecture students Chelsea Wait and Austin Durban. They were building some models of classrooms. Once they were finsihed building them, they were going to take them down to a big machine called a heliodon which recreates sunlight. They use this so they can understand the effects of sunlight when designing buildings. Pretty neat. Too bad I didn't get to see the heliodon.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Strike a Pose

Went to a model/dance tryout at the very last minute today. Left at around 9:00 and got back around 10:00. I have two photos that are "OK". I could have made some really nice photos, but I just didn't nail like I should have. There were opportunities for some great shots, but I just didn't work it well enough. Better luck next time right?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9/11 Memoiral Concert

I shot a Septmeber 11 memorial concert last night at First Presbyterian Church. It featured an interesting array of musical talent. It had jazz, classical solos, choral music, organ, etc. I love orchestral/choral music, but for some reason none of the music really appealed to me. It was performed wonderfully by the musicians, so that did't have anything to do with it. Perhaps it is because I was there taking photos and wasn't paying as much attention if I was just listening to the music.

I upset one guy quite a bit by taking photos during the performance. He told me I was being disrespectul to both the performers and audience members. He told me that I should either move all the way to the back of the church with a telephoto lens (I already had my telephoto on by the way) or leave. I said I was trying to be as respectful as possible, but I wasn't going to leave... I've got a job to do.

Although this didn't really upset me too much (I mean hey, I was treatened with death once), I was a bit peeved because I really was trying to be respectful to the people around me. I know the 20d's shutter is entirely too loud (especially in a large church) and because of that I wasn't shooting as much as I might normally. I woudn't want to hear that constantly while trying to listen to music. So here I am trying to be respectful and this guy tells me I'm doing a piss poor job (my words, not his).

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fandemonium Pandemonium

So Indiana University beat Ball State University tonight 24-23. That sucks. When I'm not shooting, I honestly could care less who wins (I'm just not a big sports enthusist), but when I'm shooting the game, I'll always want Ball State to win. Especially during a big game such as this. The craziness in that stadium would have been taken to a whole new level. I was really looking forward to the jubilation of the crowd.

However, I came away with a few good shots.

On a side note, some drunk idiot pissed on my shoes while I was shooting tailgating. Needless to say, that was not fun. It's probably the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me actually. I've been needing to get new shoes for a while now. I suppose I should be lucky those weren't new shoes....

David is Deaf

This week was not the greatest in terms of what I shot. I wasn't really happy with anything that I had taken. Luckily yesterday, I came away with four or five shots that I'm pretty happy with. However, there's always room for improvement.

Last night I shot a concert in the Student Center. There were four bands performing, and although I didn't really care for the music (just not my cup of tea), I had a good time playing around with angles and lighting. Big thanks to Will V for letting me use his 50mm f/1.8. Unfortunately, I liked the lens so much that I'll probably end up buying one for myself before too long.

Concerning the title: You've probably figured it out, but the music was so loud that I really had trouble hearing for an hour or so after I left. I'm just not used to that kind of music you know?

Tonight is the IU vs. BSU football game.... that should be fun. Until then, I think it's time I knuckle down and finish my English paper.....

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Missed Opportunity

Do you ever have one of those times when you just wish you had your camera with you? Well, I had one of those moments yesterday....

I was walking around campus and saw a guy with a parrot on his shoulder. It was one of those double take moments where I just didn't believe my eyes the first time around. Unfortunately, all I can do is tell you about it... I have nothing to show you. :(

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Old and the New

So, I shot my first college football game Thursday night. Suffice to say, it was awesome. The atmosphere was completely different to that of high school football (in Richmond anyway). Unfortunately, I shot shitty action the entire night, but I came away with one fan shot that I'm pretty happy with. I didn't notice this shot when I was editing for the paper and used two "ehh they're alright photos" instead. They aren't terrible, but they aren't great either. Like I said though, I'm happy with the one above.

Fast forward to Friday night, and I'm back in Richmond shooting a high school game. I got better action this time, still not great, but an improvement anyway. Near the end of the first half, a rainbow popped up, and I tried numerous angles to try to make it look interesting, but I never quite got "it". However, I did shoot this one of the coach looking at his players with the really cool clouds.