Friday, September 01, 2006

The Old and the New

So, I shot my first college football game Thursday night. Suffice to say, it was awesome. The atmosphere was completely different to that of high school football (in Richmond anyway). Unfortunately, I shot shitty action the entire night, but I came away with one fan shot that I'm pretty happy with. I didn't notice this shot when I was editing for the paper and used two "ehh they're alright photos" instead. They aren't terrible, but they aren't great either. Like I said though, I'm happy with the one above.

Fast forward to Friday night, and I'm back in Richmond shooting a high school game. I got better action this time, still not great, but an improvement anyway. Near the end of the first half, a rainbow popped up, and I tried numerous angles to try to make it look interesting, but I never quite got "it". However, I did shoot this one of the coach looking at his players with the really cool clouds.

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